Alaska Rivers
Bristol Bay and the Alaska Peninsula- Anchored by Katmai National Park in the north and extending over 500 miles southwest to the Aleutians, this region harbors the largest sockeye salmon runs in the world, the biggest native rainbow trout and countless rivers, creeks, lakes and miles of shoreline; a "fly angler's paradise". Topography varies between the Aleutian mountain range, high volcanic peaks, tundra, spruce forests, coastal maritime and alpine. Rivers such as the American Creek, Moraine Creek, Nushagak, Kvichak, Naknek, Chilikadrotna and nameless other tributaries all beckon.
Kodiak Island- Known as the 'Emerald Isle', Kodiak is a salmon and steelhead fly angler's dream. Rocky shorelines and beaches are broken by creeks and rivers often plugged with silver salmon, pinks and chums. Steelhead call numerous rivers across the archipelago home and their runs extend in to December, perfectly paired with a sea duck hunt. Road system rivers include the Buskin River, American River, and Olds River. The Karluk River and Ayakulik Rivers anchor the west end of the island.
Kenai Peninsula and the Cook Inlet region- While the famous Kenai dominates the fishery, numerous smaller rivers on Cook Inlets western shore and other Kenai Peninsula streams offer the intrepid anglers bountiful opportunities for all five species of salmon, huge rainbows, steelhead and char.

Nushagak River
Chilakadrotna River
West Cook Inlet