The Seasons
The Spring (April thru Mid-June) As winter begins to release its hold, steelhead that either ascended in the fall or are newly arrived begin their annual run. While snow still persists, the days though are long as we approach the solstice in June. Steelheading often peaks in late April and May throughout the state.
The Summer (Mid-June thru Mid-August) Beginning with the trout opener in early June our busy summer season begins. As salmon fry migrate into adjacent lakes, trout and char key in on this important food source and ambush them in what is akin to a "blitz". This is also the beginning of the dry fly angler's time, in fact our favorite time. Hatches of caddis, green drakes and stoneflies attract big rainbows, char and grayling to the surface. "Mousing" action continues into July and peaks just as the first waves of sockeyes arrive. In late June, the King of Pacific salmon begin to arrive with numbers peaking in mid-July through many of the rivers. Pink salmon and Chums also begin to arrive with certain years depending on the locality offering the proverbially opportunity to walk across their backs. As Sockeye numbers swell and they begin to spawn, trout begin to change their diet from the aquatics to the bounty of salmon eggs. Billions of them.
The Fall (Mid-August thru October) With the yellowing of the leaves sockeye salmon begin to heavily drop their eggs. In turn rainbow trout voraciously feed on the abundance of drifting eggs. As the spawn progresses and salmon numbers decrease many trout and char begin to key in on flesh patterns and swung streamers. They are also at their peak weight in mid fall. If your target is trophy trout, this is your time. Silver salmon begin their yearly ascent in August and September and can be caught in numerous localities on the top water via 'wogging'. These are the salmon species fly anglers love and we host trips in localities harboring some of the biggest fish in the state. As the water cools and leaves are in the peak of their fall color steelhead can be found in many areas of southwest and Kodiak Island by late September. Angling for both steelhead and silver salmon continues through October.
The Winter (November thru April) While many a transient seasonal Alaska guide heads south post summer, many angling opportunities persist for us who call Alaska home year-round. Winter steelhead exist in southeast, southwest and on Kodiak island. Silver salmon run well to the first of the year. Rainbow trout are quite aggressive as the first snows fall and winter commences. On temperate Kodiak Island we offer early winter angling from our B&B and fly outs to the Alaska Peninsula.

The Spring
The Summer

The Fall

The Winter